Ductile iron is not from iron or steel scrap. It is made primarily from the crude iron that is produced by smelting ore in a blast furnace.
Commonly it is called ‘pig iron.’ Pig iron content is about 90% iron with high carbon. Its chemical properties are very stable. Using a blast furnace, the pig iron is melted down and has carbon forced into the material beyond its normal capacity.
When the metal cools in its cast, Silicon, sulfur, and manganese help the excess carbon form the spherical graphite nodules. This process creates a durable, wear-resistant metal-Ductile Iron
Vertical pipe lines for overhead tanks elevated service reservoirs.
Flanged pipes are most suitable for over ground pipelines like portions of pipelines on pillars, Pedestals fo rivers, Canal or road crossing and bridges.
For laying in Hilly areas, Slopes even exceeding the angles of response